Helping A Chiropractor Earn $100k More Through Local Marketing 🀯

Heya! πŸ‘‹

Today is a juicy one!

It's a much more competitive niche than normal so I go into much more detail on how I assess these opportunities and whether or not to chase them.

At 1,000+ searches a month with an average customer value of $100... this is another $100,000 p/month opportunity!

As always, for those of you who are more visual, check out the video below! I'm having fun with these thumbnails πŸ˜‚

If you prefer to read, I outline it all below.

So the niche we're looking at today is 'chiropractor Auckland.'

We can instantly see that this is a much more competitive niche.

Some of these competitors have 1,600 backlinks?!

But that's okay! With search engine optimisation, it's all about quality over quantity.

If you can zoom in on that picture, you can see that although they have lots of backlinks, the website score is actually pretty low.

So we've still got a solid chance of ranking on organic search.

What about the ads?

The first two are super strong.

The next two, I think we can easily do a better job. With a phone number, some strong call to actions, pricing, and some sitelinks, we should be able to capture a lot of the ad space.

Moving down to the Google My Business local map pack, we can see again there's more competition. Two of them have the keyword in the title, and there are plenty of reviews across the board.

But none of these websites are taking advantage of messaging service, the products, offers, or posts features that Google offers so we should be able to easily get ranked on the local map pack as well.

So we're definitely going to be testing this niche out!

We start by creating a super simple landing page with plenty of call-to-actions.

This time spicing it up a bit with some purple.

Then as always, we run a very small ad campaign to validate that people searching for this service, are actually keen to get in touch.

Google gives you $100 in free credit with new accounts so very quickly you can run some ads, and test to see if this is a winning niche before you invest any more time or money.

I'll keep you posted over the coming few days on how this niche is turning out but the opportunity looks huge!

And look out for the email tomorrow where we'll explore a new niche and a new website!


My passion is to help as many local companies as I can so if you found this valuable, please forward it to as many people as you know that might find it useful too 😍

Want to win one of these companies? Join the competition!

If you want to learn how I do this, I actually run through everything step-by-step in my 'Build Your Agency Handbook.'

If you want me to find a niche, build the website, test with ads, and hand over a website that's already proven to generate at least $5,000 worth a month of leads which you can then rent to someone else, get in touch!

Finally, if you want me to build you one of these for your niche, let me know! I guarantee that this will be the best investment you've made into your marketing or your money back. And if you know someone who might need this, we're offering 10% in referral bonuses!

As always, send through any and all questions by replying to this email or DMing me on Twitter!

Look forward to hearing from you.



PSST: From New Zealand to New York, I’m creating a cosy Field Guide of my journey as I move across the globe in 90 days and attempt to land my dream job!
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Steven Male

Written by Steven Male
Hey I'm Steven, and I'm moving to NYC! ✌︎

I have 10 years experience in growth marketing, mostly recently the Marketing Director at Sunobi, and currently helping the digital world become more accessible through my passion project, Hello Access! We've worked with teams at Stripe, Meta, and more.


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